The East-West Working Group (EWWG) was the first Working Group within AEGEE.
It was founded in the 10th of April 1988. At the moment the EWWG has got around 40 members.
People in this Working Group are interested in general in the integration of the East and the West.
Supporting the development of the AEGEE-network in Central and Eastern Europe and stimulating
the integration of Western and Eastern antenna within the AEGEE-network.
The EWWG tries to achieve these objectives by means of:
- The AEGEE-VisaBooklet, in cooperation with the Visa Freedom Fighters;
- Case Study Trips (CST);
- Discussions on the listserver of the EWWG;
- Meetings (regional).
At the Spring Agora 2004 the EWWG presented its 3 pillars for its activities in the future:
1) Case Study Trips, to Armenia & Azerbijan and to East considered countries like Bosnia & Albania.
2) Twin Antennae Project, where a big antenna adopts a small one in the East and supports it.
3) Cross-border Events, stimulate two antennae to organise an event that take place in both countries.
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