
The Stracture 

What is AEGEE-EWG?
What is  AEGEE?
The Aims of AEGEE? 
The Stracture of AEGEE?






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How is the stracture of AEGEE? 


In order to really promote international co-operation and avoid creating any physical or mental borders AEGEE does not recognize any national level or national administration in its unique organizational structure, which is based on:

    • Local level – where people from the 260 autonomic AEGEE locals directly implement AEGEE aims in a way that serves best the needs of their local community
    • European level – which gives the great common frame and direction for all local activities and provides a platform for international co-operation in multicultural teams

Members from local level can directly get involved in the European Working Groups, Project Teams and Commissions











Comite Directeur(CD)
The Comité Directeur, the board of directors, consists of a maximum of nine persons from at least four countries. Every CD member has his or her own area of responsibility. As a whole, the CD is the administrative and representative body of AEGEE, with responsibility for contacts to the European Union and The Council of Europe


The Commissions are supporting or controlling bodies to the CD. They consist of the Audit Commission, the Members Commission, the Juridical Commission and the Network Commission.

Working Groups

Working Groups are the thematic backbone of AEGEE. They are multinational groups of AEGEE members which organise events on a specific topic, such as education policy, minorities in Europe and environmental issues.


Local AEGEE group is called antenna. An antenna usually organises at least one European event per year as well as local activities. Currently there are 248 antennae and contact groups in AEGEE, from Moscow to London, from Istanbul to Stockholm.


The Agora, AEGEE General Assembly, meets twice a year. Up to 600 or more AEGEE members gather for 3-4 days to discuss proposals and projects, take decisions,set up the guidelines for AEGEE and have fun!!.

Project Teams

The Project Teams coordinate the work of the European-wide projects of AEGEE. These projects are series of conferences and other activities on a certain subject. The teams consist of members from the different participating locals.
