EnWG workshops


Since the spring 2006, the initiators of EnWG have had workshops in all Agorae. Here’s just a list of the workshop held before the official creation of EnWG:

„Green Utopia” in Agora Warszawa, Spring 2006
(by Kadri Kalle and Katrin Tomson)
Introducing the role AEGEE could have in environmental issues; designing posters for different imaginary environmental events

„Environment in AEGEE – why do we need it?” in Agora Napoli, Fall 2006
(by Kadri Kalle)
Using Open Space method, participants were thinking about ways how AEGEE can be involved in environmental activities

„AEGEE goes environMENTAL” in Agora Valletta, Spring 2007
(by Kadri Kalle and Meike Berben)
We were promoting both our new initiative and idea of European day of Environment. Participants were brainstorming about possible activities for this event.

Additionally, we have contributed to an international seminar organised by Youth and Globalisation team „Sustainable Future of Europe – Youth in the Frontline” in Prague in September 2006 by leading a workshop about sustainable development.

As an official WG, we have held following workshops:

“Student Mobility vs Environment” in Agora Eskisehir, Fall 2007
(by Katrin Tomson and Martien van Gool)
After few short movies, we had open discussion about environmental aspects of travelling (planes vs trains, buses, boats). After that participants were discussing certain problems in smaller groups and presented the results to each other.

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